Do water heaters require maintenance?
A water heater requires annual maintenance to prevent sediment build up that can lead to heating element failure and inefficiencies. Also your sacrificial anode is consumed by the minerals in the water, so it should be checked every other year and replaced as needed (depending on your water quality) to prevent premature degradation of your water heater which can cause leaks.
If you have a gas hot water tank, it is recommended to clean the burner once a year to ensure efficiency.
Running out of hot water?
Most water heaters have two heating elements. Both may have reduced efficiency as a result of mineral build-up or one may be burnt out. This could also be a result of a thermostat failure. These can be cleaned and/or replaced if needed, saving you the need to buy a whole new tank.

Hot water tank is leaking?
The inside of water heaters can start to corrode as a result of mineral built up that eats away at the metal. This is why annual maintenance is very important. Unfortunately if it is leaking there is no way to repair it and you will have to get a new water heater.
Water is too hot?
There is a minimum temperature that your hot water tank is supposed to be in order to prevent bacterial build up or kill bacteria like listeria or legionella. The issue may not be with your tank but may require a mixing valve to cool the water enough before it comes out of the tap – helping prevent potential burns from water that is too hot.

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